Monday, November 18, 2019

Grooming Services

To be a successful dog groomer, you should be fond of dogs. No one wants to do a job one hates, after all. It would also be unfair to the dogs if their groomer disliked them. Dog groomers provide a valuable service to the community of pet owners. In today’s increasingly hectic world, there often simply isn’t time to complete proper grooming of the family pet. If you love dogs, working with them will be its own reward!
Our soothing pet grooming services calm our guests and leave them feeling great. Since we have shown dogs professionally and even trained dogs for Schutzhund competitions, we know how to make pets both beautiful and healthy.
Before each bath, we conduct a pre-bath assessment, checking for a variety of issues that affect pets, including:
·         careful check for body irregularities
·         teeth and mouth assessment
·         eye health assessment
·         external parasite check

Then we do a pre-bath brush-out to remove old hair and check skin, clean their ears, and trim their toenails.
During the bath, pets are truly pampered. We offer top-of-the-line baths with soothing herbal bath products and pets are carefully massaged to soothe their muscles as well as their spirits. Some pets enjoy the massage so much that they doze off during the experience!
After the bath, the pampering continues. We condition each pet’s coat, blow dry and de-shed each pet, and then we return each pet to a freshly cleaned room.

Benefits of Dog Grooming

Whether your dog is small or big, it is important to get him groomed at least every few months. When you take your dog to see a professional groomer, he will make your dog look beautiful and healthy. Grooming your dog will cost you extra money, but it will be worth it. Here are some of the benefits of grooming your dog.

Professional Haircut

Certain dogs, such as Poodles and Yorkshire Terriers, have continuously growing hair and need haircuts often. If they do not get regular haircuts, their hair will start to look very messy. A professional groomer will know exactly how to cut your dog’s hair so that he looks neat and handsome. He will also be able to cut your dog’s hair without accidentally injuring his skin with scissors.

Nail Trimming

It is important for all dogs to get their nailed trimmed regularly. If you allow your dog’s nails to get too long, he can get them caught in the carpet. It is best to let a professional groomer cut his nails because you might cut them too short. A professional groomer will know how to make your dog cooperate so that he does not jump or panic during the process.

Dead Skin Removal

When a professional grooms your dog, he will remove the dead skin that sits on his coat. Doing this will make his coat look shinier and improve circulation to his skin. Removing dead skin from your dog’s coat is even more important in the winter because the air is very dry.
As you can see, it is very beneficial to take your dog to the groomer at least every few months. If you have never taken your dog to a professional groomer, you should ask your family members or friends for recommendations. Another thing you can do is search for local professional groomers on the Internet.

Visit us now more information!!